Thursday, December 17, 2009

Homeward Bound!

... remember that movie? I always cried when Sassy went down the waterfall.

Anyways... I'm going home right now! When in doubt, always take Virgin Airlines for flying. I am flying over New Mexico and online! Pretty neato. Since the last update... well I have lived the lush life... as in too much chocolate and wine lush. But when in Rome...or Hershey, PA?...

Sunday after the last show in Hershey, a bunch of us loaded a bus and got into NY at 2am. Our 2 week break had officially started! I spent 4 beautiful/wonderful/fabulous days in NY. I just love that city. Miss it and the people there so much. Had so much fun with visiting friends... including a night where we went ice-skating in Central Park! I also saw Ragtime (so fun to see some friends up there on the b'way), saw Princess and the Frog, and was so excited to have some catch up time with some dear dear friends.

Now onto Californ-I-A!! I get to see my family!! We are taking a trip up to Northern California and stopping in some fun places on the way (ie. San Francisco, Beach, etc). So excited to just "be" with everyone. No work... just play. Ok... maybe I'll work a little bit... but maybe not. : )

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!
Sending so much love to everyone.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

just a quick update

Hello from Hershey, PA!! Looking forward to the city of chocolate… perfect for the holiday season! But even more excited for the fact that our break is in a week!! Get to go to New York for 4 days next Sunday and then California for 10 days!! Yay!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I was really spoiled by the Shepard family. My friend Micah Shepard picked Nick (a fellow cast member) and I up in Worcester after our Wednesday show and took us to his parent’s house right outside of Boston. It was such a great holiday! We spent Wed and Thurs. night there and had a beautiful time. It was so nice being with a family for Thanksgiving. So special thanks to them, : )

After our short week in Worcester (we only had 6 shows because of Thanksgiving)… we were off to Wilmington, DE. Had never even heard about the city but fell in love with it when we got there. Mainly because of 2 hot spots that were close to our hotel: The Ale House (a great restaurant and bar) and Presto (a cute coffee shop with board games). The city itself was adorable too. We really adored it.

As for a show update: I finally have gone on for all the ensemble ladies!! I went on for track #5 (judge) in Wilmington!! AND I finish learning Elle this week. So I will be done with learning stuff by the break! FINALLY! And that’s about it… having a great time. I really adore this cast. And it’s such a fun show to be apart of. Happy Happy!

That’s all I got for now : )
Sending big hugs