Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life really is like a box of chocolates...

Hey everybody from Canada!!

Blonde is camped in Toronto for 5 weeks!! Longest sit down so far! Woohoo (atleast since I have been on tour). Week one is over and done. And what an amazing week it has been! Not only did I have the chance to go on for Elle on the Thursday matinee and Sunday evening show… I had some visitors!! My good friend, Quinn Vanantwerp, is Bob Gaudio in the Jersey Boys Toronto Cast. Soooo my dear friend, Heather White, scheduled a trip to see his show and just happened I was Elle the same week she came! What luck!! So… Heather and I got in on Monday, went out with Quinn that night, then Tuesday night she and I got to go see him kill it as Bob Gaudio. If you are in Toronto, and have not yet seen the show, THEY CLOSE IN AUGUST….. RUN TO SEE IT… don’t walk…RUN!! He’s so good and we couldn’t have been prouder. We cried the whole time. Haha. Wednesday night we had a mixer with the Rock of Ages cast, Jersey Boys cast, Miss Saigon cast, and us!! Great shows here in Toronto!! And it was so fun to see friends and meet new ones!! Then Thursday matinee was Elle show #1 of the week. I felt so lucky to have Quinn and Heather out there in the audience. It was kind of a whirlwind show since I hadn’t done Elle in 2 months and hadn’t done the show at all in 3 weeks. But… it went well and I had a blast. My grandparents (aka Vava and Vavoo aka “the Vavs”) came into town on Friday and we got dinner and catch up time on Saturday between shows. Then Sunday evening was Elle Show #2 where the Vavs came, most of the Jersey Boys cast (including Quinn a second time…what a nice friend), and some of the Miss Saigon cast. By far my favorite show so far. It was so thrilling to have so many people out in the audience, I finally felt comfortable in the role, and just had a blast with my cast members. I love these people! Such a blessing to have such a supportive family, friends, and colleagues. happy happy : )

Forrest Gump was right… life really is a box of chocolates. You never know watya gonna get or what to expect. Things here in blonde world has changed quite a bit over our 3 week break an first week here in Toronto. In some sad news… blonde tour is coming to an end. With that… we are losing some of our family members left and right. Our company manager and head of wardrobe left on Saturday for other gigs. So happy for them…but sad to lose them. And then we came back from layoff to hear that the beautiful, talented, and funny Kathleen Monteleone had decided to leave the show early. So happy for her and the exciting things that are happening in her life… but selfishly we all miss her like crazy. All 3 of our lost members brought lots of joy and laughter to tour and they will be missed. Love you guys!! But with losing members, we gain some more!! We welcomed our new company manager: Doug, assist wardrobe: Val, and our new stenographer (who was our vacation swing): Casey with open arms!! Welcome to the family!!

Another little show update: I am now a Margot cover! Looks like I may have the opportunity to go on in the 3rd or 4th week we are here in Toronto!! Stay tuned if dates are announced. ☺
Also… more Elle dates here in Toronto:
Wed July 14 matinee at 2pm
Sun July 18 matinee at 2pm
Wed August 4 matinee at 2pm
Sun August 8 matinee at 2pm

Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying the summer!

Track counter:
Stenographer: approx. 60 times
Judge: 13 times
Mom: approx. 16 times
DA: 10 times
Kate/Chutney: approx. 9.5 times
Combo Track Kate and DA: 5 times
Combo Track Judge and Stenographer: 1 time
Enid: 7 times
Just Jump Rope: 2 times
ELLE: 4 times